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EXPEDIENTE 239-AEE/2019 / Layde Steel
EXPEDIENTE 239-AEE/2019 / Layde Steel



LAYDE STEEL, S.L., has received a grant for its energy saving and efficiency project "Replacement of conventional lighting with LED lighting" co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by IDAE and managed by the Autonomous Regions, under the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the aim of achieving a cleaner and more sustainable economy. An energy saving and efficiency project has been developed, consisting of the replacement of the current lighting with new energy-efficient LED lighting, which allows a significant reduction in energy consumption and environmental impact at this stage of the process. Thanks to the project, the savings potential is 22.85 toe per year.

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EXPEDIENTE FN-PGESI-2017-000122 / Layde Steel
EXPEDIENTE FN-PGESI-2017-000122 / Layde Steel



LAYDE STEEL, S.L.U. has received a grant for its energy saving and efficiency project INCREASE ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN THE DECOATING LINE, through the NATIONAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY FUND and managed by the INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY DIVERSIFICATION AND SAVING (IDAE), aid co-financed by the European Union through the ERDF Operational Programme for Intelligent Growth 2014-2020. An energy saving and efficiency project has been developed, consisting of improving the entry and exit part of the pickling line, adapting it to a width of 1,650mm, thus increasing both the energy and thermal efficiency of the entire line. The collaboration of the best equipment manufacturers in the sector has been required, which will provide us with great energy and environmental savings in the process, achieving an estimated saving of 168.68 toe/year.

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